Laura Rush

Laura Rush

Laura Rush
Laura Rush

Year at Medical Partnership

Roswell, GA

Undergrad Location & Graduation Year
University of Georgia 2019

Undergrad Degree
BS Health Promotion

Any gap years? If so, what did you do?
I took 2 gap years in-between undergrad and medical school and I spend some time doing research at the CDC office of Women’s health and working as a medical assistant in an Internal Medicine doctors office through COVID.

Specialties of Interest

Bio: tell us about yourself
Hello! My name is Laura Rush I am currently an M4 at the Med Partnership. I grew up in Roswell just north of Atlanta and this is my 7th year living in Athens (did undergrad at UGA Go Dawgs!) and I couldn’t imagine calling anywhere else home for these past couple years. I am applying OBGYN and have a special interest in reproductive justice and preventative medicine. In my spare time I like to cycle at a local cycling studio (shout out Classic City Cycle), go to concerts at the Georgia Theater and lose very badly at trivia. Please reach out if you have any questions!

For more information about attending the Medical College of Georgia at the Medical Partnership campus

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