Matthew Busse

Matthew Busse

Matthew Busse
Matthew Busse

Year at Medical Partnership
Third Year

Cartersville, GA

Undergrad Location & Graduation Year
UGA 2022

Undergrad Degree
Biology and Psychology

Specialties of Interest

Bio: tell us about yourself
If it weren’t for the Medical Partnership Ambassadors who came before me I wouldn’t have known that this was the school of my dreams! As an undergraduate student I had the opportunity to come to multiple open houses and tour the campus as much as I desired, and I did. Now I have the opportunity to show off how wonderful our school is to the future Partnership students.
Whatever specialty I end up in I hope to have meaningful relationships where I can talk deeply with my patients and provide restorative care. My hobbies include being a Church small group leader, kids Jiu-jitsu instructor, advisor, and kickboxer.

For more information about attending the Medical College of Georgia at the Medical Partnership campus

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