Feb 21, 2023
Medical Partnership Co-Hosts Conference on the Americas
On Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18, the 26th annual Conference on the Americas was hosted at the Miller Learning Center at the University of Georgia.
This marks the first time the conference was hosted in Athens.
The conference was sponsored by the Americas Council, University System of Georgia, University of Georgia, University of North Georgia, Georgia Southern University, Georgia State, University Perimeter College, and the University of West Georgia.
The Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership co-hosted the event with the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute (LACSI) and the Provost’s Office.
The conference explores socio-cultural, political, economic, health, environmental, global, regional and national issues relating to the Americas.
The Medical Partnership’s Dr. Amy Baldwin and Dr. Andrew Sobering took part in conference sessions—Baldwin spoke on “Women’s Health Study Away Program in Belize: A timely experience for UGA pre-health students” and Sobering discussed “Clinical utility of periodic outreach clinics in a small Caribbean Island nation”.
Baldwin also co-chaired the conference with Dr. Donna Danns from the University of North Georgia.
Dr. Shelley Nuss, campus dean of the Medical Partnership spoke at the reception to close the first night of the conference.
“Equity is at the core of the Conference on the Americas, and it’s also a major priority for us at the Medical Partnership,” said Nuss.
The conference ended with 90 attendees and 60 abstract and three panel submissions. Thirteen Georgia institutions were represented, and the conference also hosted faculty and students from nearby states as well as New York, Washington D.C., and the Caribbean.