Welcome to the Augusta University/University of Georgia Publications, Presentations & Awards page. Here you will find information about published and accepted papers, research, presentations, and awards by our faculty, staff, students, and residents.
Other most recent research can be found here in our newsletter.
Metcalf awarded with fellowship
Delaney Metcalf, Class of 2026, was awarded the 2024 Gold Student Summer Fellowship. The funds are a stipend to support work/research over the summer.
Brown Recognized by NAP
on 3/16/24, National Academies of Practice awarded Dr. Tim Brown the “Distinguished Practitioner and Fellow: status.
Fellows selected have an exemplary career of ten years or more, and are committed to interprofessional practice and accessible, affordable healthcare for all.
6 Medical Students Published
Students: Yelissa Navarro, Elizabeth Huang, Chandler Johnson, Forrest Clark, Samuel Coppola, and Suraj Modi published a manuscript in Trauma Care March 2024 edition entitled, “The Influence of COVID-19 on Patient Mobilization and Injury Attributes in the ICU: A Retrospective Analysis of a Level II Trauma Center”.
Read the Manuscript Here.
Bruner Recognized by AMWA
The Awards Committee of the American Medical Women’s Association has selected Dr. Lia Bruner as one of the 2024 recipients of the Exceptional Mentor Award. This award celebrates those who have made an impact on the lives of students in medicine. An “Exceptional Mentor” goes above and beyond what is required and actively reaches out to those around them to help guide those individuals in their career path.
Medical Partner Team Presents at STFM Conference on Medical Education
Drs. Meixner, Lester, Bailey, Bond, and Bruner presented at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education in Atlanta. In addition, this was a wonderful opportunity for our students to present at a national conference and explore family medicine.
Bruner, MS3s Shivani Patel and Shereen Farooq helped present a 30 min Lecture-discussion entitled “Giving it our best shot: a stepwise approach to vaccine recommendations to reduce vaccine hesitancy”. In this lecture-discussion, they discussed the evidence for effective vaccine communication and introduce a stepwise approach for recommending vaccines as well as techniques to avoid when caring for vaccine-hesitant patients.
Bruner, MS3 Joseph Cleland and Betsy Jones, EdD (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine) helped create and present this Completed research project oral presentation, “Clinical reasoning for obesity, HTN, and DM: results of an interactive case for MS2 students at two medical schools”. This parallel implementation of a complex teaching case for pre-clinical students represents a valuable opportunity to evaluate teaching activities with adjustments to accommodate differing course calendars and teaching contexts.
Bruner helped organize and facilitate “Speed mentoring for women in academic family medicine” with Laura Bujold (University of Connecticut) and Kathryn Hart (Georgetown). Mentors included 3 MCG faculty—Dr. Amy Bailey (our Clerkship director at NEGA in Gainseville), Dr. Ashley Saucier (MCG Family and Community Medicine), and Ebony Whisenant ((MCG Family and Community Medicine). This session addresses this need by connecting women in family medicine to other women mentors in a speed group mentoring format.
Fitzpatrick Presents
Dr.Jeni Fitzpatrick RN, MSN, RNC-OB presents at the Georgia Nursing Leadership Coalition and the Southern Nursing Research Society Conference (North Carolina) on Social Determinants of Health.
Vissicchio Wins First at Symposium
Jessie Vissicchio and Ansley Harralson, Class of 2026, both recently presented at the Emory University Medical Genetics Symposium.
Vissicchio’s poster won the Emory Medical Genetics Rising Star Award.
Medical Partnership Team Presents at Meeting
Kevin Moriles, Ummar Jamal, Vindo Jeyaretnam (residents at the Medical Partnership), Maddy Wetterhall (a current M4 at the Medical Partnership), and Ladonya Jackson-Cowan (a 2023 graduate of the Medical Partnership) all recently teamed up to present research findings. The team presented research on Pulmonary Embolism Response Teams at the 2023 American College of Chest Physicians annual meeting. Their research focuses on associated clinical outcomes with the utilization of PERT.
Scott Works on Research Alongside UGA College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Don Scott recently co-authored the paper “The Impact of Cat Fostering on Older Adult Well-Being and Loneliness: A Feasibility Study” alongside co-workers across the University of Georgia. This feasibility study explored the impact of fostering a shelter cat on loneliness and well-being in older adults living alone without a pet.
You can read about the entire study here.
“A tale of two situations: a case report of the merger between dermatology outcomes and prescription drug access”
Three Medical Partnership students published the paper “A tale of two situations: a case report of the merger between dermatology outcomes and prescription drug access” along with Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber.
The publication can be viewed here.
Halper Publishes Research
Dr. Jaroslava Halper recently published the paper “Expression of genes with biomarker potential identified in skin from DSLD-affected horses increases with age”.
The article can be read in its entirety here.
Piendel Presents Poster at Alzheimer’s Conference
Piendel attended the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2023 held in Amsterdam, Netherlands in July 2023. Piendel has worked for the past several years in dementia research, and she listened to the plenary lectures about the newest drugs available for Alzheimer’s treatment. She also presented a poster about how phone apps are being used to monitor symptoms of dementia. Also, behalf of the Alzheimer Foundation – Czech Republic, Piendel attended the International AD/ADRD Research Funders Consortium (IADRFC) Meeting.
Piendel L, Vališ M, Hort J. An update on mobile applications collecting data among subjects with or at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2023 May 30;15:1134096. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1134096. PMID: 37323138; PMCID: PMC10267974.
VanLeuven Presents Anatomy Team Research
Dr. Ariel VanLeuven presented new findings from scholarly work done in conjunction with Dr. Brett Szymik and Dr. DeLoris Hesse at the 27th Annual Meeting for the International Association of Medical School Educators (IAMSE) in Cancun, Mexico.
VanLeuven, A.J., Szymik, B.G., Hesse, D.W. The Bare Bones of Gross Anatomy Laboratory Examinations: Analyses of Reliability and Item Difficulty on Individual and Team Assessments. (June 2023) International Association of Medical School Educators (IAMSE), 27th Annual International
Meeting, Cancun, Mexico.
Parchinski Publishes & Presents
Kaley Parchinski, Class of 2025, presented the poster “The relationship between reincarceration and treatment of opioid use disorder with extended-release naltrexone among persons with HIV” at the Academic Consortium on Criminal Justice Health Conference in April 2023. The same project Parchinski presented at the conference was also published in Drug and Alcohol Reports.
Baldwin Presents
Dr. Amy Baldwin, presented the workshop “Solutions and Challenges to Creating and Strengthening Health Equity Curricula” at the Northeast Group of Educational Affairs conference in Vermont.
She also presented two posters, “Georgia Cancer Control Consortium’s HPV Cancer Free Workgroup:
Coming together through state-wide efforts for HPV elimination” and “Coming Together For HPV Elimination:
Expanding capacity of extension agents to reduce Georgia’s cancer burden” the International Papillomavirus Conference in Washington D.C.
Medical Partnership Heavily Represented at Conference
Multiple Medical Partnership faculty and alumni presented at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Med Ed in New Orleans.
Dr. Lia Bruner Presented:
Analyzing Student Feedback of Pre-clerkship Teaching Cases to Identify Strengths and Areas for Systematic Improvement. On-demand and live Completed Research Project Oral Presentation presented by with alumna Leah Topper in collaboration with House E, Baldwin A, Chappell T, Hill J.
Gender equity in medical education in the time of COVID-19: challenges and opportunities. Scholarly Roundtable Discussion with Katye Hart (Georgetown) and Parvathi Perumareddi (Florida Atlantic University)
Women in Family Medicine: Exploring and Navigating the Spectrum of Family Medicine practice opportunities. Symposia (panelist and author of submission) with Perumareddi P (Florida Atlantic University), Hart K (Georgetown), Mount H (U. of Cincinnati), Melton S (U. of Mississippi), Arena A (Brown)
Drs. Amy Bailey and Robert McClowry presented:
Evaluation of a Virtual Flipped Classroom Case-Based LGBTQ+ Primary Care Workshop During a Family Medicine Clerkship
Drs. Molly Bond, Suzanne Lester, and Robert McClowry presented:
Teaching Antiracism, Social Determinants and Health Equity Praxis as Clinical Skills in a Service-Learning MedEd curriculum.
Ye Sisters Present Posters at Georgia Society of Ophthalmology GEM Eye Meeting
Kara and Sarah Ye each presented two posters at the Georgia Society of Ophthalmology GEM Eye Meeting in February 2023.
Kara Ye’s Posters:
- Longterm Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Uveitis Patients (3rd place winner)
- Conjunctival Intraepithelial Neoplasia Found on Routine Eye Exam in an Elderly Male with a History of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Sarah Ye’s Posters:
- A Case of an Enlarged Blind Spot and White Dots in a Young Girl
- Characterization of Fluorescein Angiography Features in Pediatric Patients with Uveitis
Students Selected as AMWA Semifinalists
Four Medical Partnership students have been selected as semifinalists for the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) meeting in March of 2023.
These students are listed as first authors of the abstracts they will present at the meeting:
Will Evans
Dimple Patel
Elizabeth Roth
Christie Taylor
Jackson-Cowan Publishes Two Articles
Donya Jackson-Cowan recently published two articles: “Longitudinal course of cognitive impairment in patients with atopic dermatitis” and “Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Review of the Etiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Treatment Options”.
Read them here:
Longitudinal course of cognitive impairment in patients with atopic dermatitis
Scott Publishes Article
Dr. Don Scott published “How Are Older Adults Different Than Other Adults for Infections?”
Bruner and Turlej Present
Dr. Lia Bruner and Anna Turlej, Class of 2024, presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Conference November 19 in Phoenix, Arizona.
The oral presentation was entitled “Intention for adult vaccination in free clinic patients: predictors and preferences” and focised on Mercy Health Center. The conclusions were as follows:
Prior COVID-19 vaccination was the most significant positive predictor of intention to receive recommended vaccines. MHC already offers COVID-19 vaccination and has COVID-19 vaccination rates higher than the county average, while other vaccination rates are lower than national averages. Expansion of vaccination programs at MHC and other free clinics could address the main barriers of cost and finding vaccination sites to increase vaccination rates and reduce disparities.
Bruner LP, Turlej A, Acree P, Bankey A, Carroll C, Mohiuddin T, Parsons A, Majeed B. Intention for adult vaccination in free clinic patients: predictors and preferences. Oral presentation at: 50thAnnual North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference; November 2022; Phoenix, AZ
Faculty & Student Published in Medical Science Educator
Drs. Lia Bruner, Brett Szymik, Ellen House, Tresa Chappell, Amy Baldwin, and M4 student Dina Teshager published the paper “Curating a Case Catalog: Development and Implementation of a Process for Revising Small Group Teaching Cases for Pre‑clerkship Medical Education” in the Medical Science Educator.
You can read the entire paper here.
Bruner Presents Poster
Dr. Lia Bruner presented a poster, Partnering for Success: GWIMS renewal across
multiple campuses of Georgia’s public medical school, at the AAMC Learn Serve Lead meeting on November 12. Bruner collaborated on the poster with Dr. Amy Baldwin.
Lopez and Rohr-Kirchgraber Publish Together
Isabella Mellits Lopez, M2 student, published a paper with Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber:
Lopez, I. M. M., Dozier, B., & Rohr-Kirchgraber, T. (2022). Female Physician Infertility in the U.S. HealthManagement, 22(5).
You can view the entire paper here.
Ye Sisters Present Poster at Two Conferences
Sarah and Kara Ye presented a poster at the American College of Physicians 2022 Georgia Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting on October 14, 2022 and also at the Medical Association of Georgia 2022 House of Delegates on October 22, 2022.
Crites Publishes Review in Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
Dr. Gerry Crites recently published the article “A Scoping Review of Health care Faculty Mentorship Programs in Academia: Implications for Program Design, Implementation, and Outcome Evaluation” in the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.
GWIMS Awards
The Medical College of Georgia Group on Women in Medicine and Science held their awards ceremony on Friday, September 30, 2022.
Congratulations to our 2022 MCG GWIMS Award winners!
Leadership Award: Dr. Vanessa Spearman
Ally Award: Dr. Bobby McClowry
Gender Equity Champion: Dr. Lia Bruner
Brown Gives Keynote Presentation
Dr. Tim Brown recently gave a keynote presentation at NCR entitled Raising Awareness of Suicide Risks in the LGBTQIA+ Community. The talk was open dialogue and Q&A format from questions from NCR’s employees all over the world.
Lester Recognized by AMWA
Dr. Suzanne Lester has been named one of the recipients of the 2022 AMWA INSPIRE Award, which recognizes accomplished women physicians who exemplify the highest values in vision, integrity, service, and collaboration in medicine.
Read more about the award and other winners here.
Four Faculty and Staff Members Published
Dr. Ariel VanLeuven, Dr. Brett Szymik, Dr. DeLoris Wenzel Hesse, and Lynn Ramsey published a paper featuring original research that was conducted exclusively at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership campus by faculty and staff describing the benefits of an innovative assessment approach that has been used in the gross anatomy laboratory for more than five years. Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE) is the #3 journal for sciences education research, and the paper was featured on the monthly mailing list ahead of the release of the Aug/Sept 2022 issue. Thanks to the initiative that UGA has fostered with various publishing houses, the article is published in ASE as open access at no cost to the four writers.
VanLeuven AJ, Szymik BG, Ramsey LM, Hesse DW. 2022. A multi-year evaluation of medical student performance on and perceptions of collaborative gross anatomy laboratory examinations. Anat Sci Educ, 00: 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/ase.2223
Pride Wins First Place at Conference
Laura Pride, an M3 at the Partnership, won the W. Daniel Jordan, MD Medical Student Award for best abstract presentation at the Georgia Vascular Society 10th Annual Scientific Sessions. The conference was September 9-11 at the Ritz-Carlton in Lake Oconee.
Bond and Murrow Recognized
Drs. Molly Bond and Laurel Murrow have been named recipients of the AMA WPS Inspiration Award as a Physician Who Inspires.
The AMA Women Physicians Section (WPS) Inspiration Award honors and acknowledges physicians who have offered their time, wisdom and support throughout the professional careers of fellow physicians, residents and students.
Read more about the award here.
Hyder and Schoenl Present at AHA Hypertension Conference
Syed Hyder ’23 presented the posters “The Geographic Variations in Hypertension Medication Adherence” and “Disparities in Hypertension Medication Adherence Across Sexual Orientations” at the AHA Hypertension Scientific Sessions in San Diego on September 7th, 2022. The projects are co-authored by Samantha Schoenl ’23 and Dr. Onoriode Kesiena, PGY-3 Internal Medicine Resident at Piedmont Athens Regional. The published abstracts to these studies can be found in the Hypertension Journal: https://doi.org/10.1161/hyp.79.suppl_1.P022 and https://doi.org/10.1161/hyp.79.suppl_1.P214
Read more: Gay, bisexual adults may be less likely to take needed high blood pressure medication
Read more: Where you live may impact how likely you are to take your blood pressure meds
Rathbun Publishes Papers
Dr. Kimberly Rathbun had two manuscripts published this summer:
Rathbun KM, Harryman CF, Re AT. Prolonging the shelf life of homemade gelatin ultrasound phantoms. J M Ultrasound. 2022;30:130-4.
Rathbun KM, Harryman CF, Moore C. A realistic and inexpensive ultrasound phantom to demonstrate aortic pathology. Australas J Ultrasound Med. 2022. (published online ahead of print)
Hyder Presents at Conference in Chicago
Syed Hyder presented the poster “The Impact of COVID-19 on HIV Testing in GA DPH District 10” at the National LGBTQ Health Conference in Chicago, IL on July 29th, 2022. He worked along side his Community & Population Health HIV Testing Outreach Group that consists of Faiz Saulat, Rachel Gerald, Lily Francis, Sophia Sakers, Thomas Layman, Jasmine Patterson, and Chris Cuneo. This group worked under the guidance of Dr. Brett Magner, Dr. Amy Medlock from the AU/UGA Medical Partnership, and Patrick Reilly from the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Bruner Appointed as Co-chair
Dr. Lia Bruner has been selected as the co-chair elect for the STFM Women in Family Medicine Collaborative.
Dong and Moriles Publish Paper
Vinh Dong and Kevin Moriles, PGY-1 residents, published a paper in March.
COVID-19 and arrhythmia: An overview
Varney JA, Dong VS, Tsao T, Sabir MS, Rivera AT, Ghula S, Moriles KE, Cherukuri ML, Fazal R, Azevedo CB, Mohamed RM, Jackson GR, Fleming SE, Rochez DE, Abbas KS, Shah JH, Minh LHN, Osman F, Rafla SM, Huy NT. COVID-19 and arrhythmia: An overview. J Cardiol. 2022 Apr;79(4):468-475. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2021.11.019. Epub 2021 Dec 1. PMID: 35074257; PMCID: PMC8632592.
Dong V, Makram O, Dinh Q, et al. A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF MYOCARDITIS FOLLOWING COVID-19 VACCINATION. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022 Mar, 79 (9_Supplement) 2057.
Gaddy Receives Teaching Award
Dr. Thom Gaddy received the 2022 Distinguished Faculty Award for Basic Science Teaching from the Medical College of Georgia. Gaddy was recognized at Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at the Natalie and Lansing B. Lee, Jr. Auditorium.
Rohr-Kirchgraber Named President of American Medical Women’s Association
Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber has been named the 2022-23 president of the American Medical Women’s Association.
“I feel honored and excited to be leading AMWA for a second time.” Rohr-Kirchgraber. “As a Hispanic woman, I am honored to be a first, while also being committed to ensure a pathway to leadership for others.”
Rohr-Kirchgraber continued, “Our goals for the year include advocating for equity at all levels in healthcare, sex and gender health, and ensuring workplace flexibility to support women in medicine. As women physicians, we are uniquely positioned to advance health-related policy issues that impact our communities. I am grateful to be in a position to help support AMWA members and allies focused on such important work.”
Click here to read more about Rohr-Kirchgraber and American Medical Women’s Association.
Kelly Chosen for Program at Harvard-Macy Institute
Dr. Carrie Kelly was selected to participate in the Program for Educators in Health Professions at the Harvard-Macy Institute. The program was virtual due to COVID-19 and featured sessions from October-April. Kelly said the group participated in online interactive sessions, journal clubs, and poster presentations.
“It is an amazing program. I feel like I have gained so much knowledge about medical education and I hope to be able to bring a lot of what I learned back here to the Partnership,” said Kelly. “I also built a lot of great relationships through the program both nationally and internationally. I felt like this was just the beginning of my relationship with the Harvard-Macy Institute, and I know being an alumni of this program affords me many opportunities with them for the future. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have participated.”
Click here to learn more about the course.
Medical Partnership Students Sweep Essay Contest
Three students from the Medical Partnership placed in the top three for the Medical Association of Atlanta and the Atlanta Medical History Society Medical Student Essay Contest.
The three winning essays are:
- The Medical Chart: Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding the Sacred Monetized Script by Shadman Ibamasud
- Maternal Mortality in Georgia: Where Are We Now? by Laurel A. Parker
- History of Palliative and Hospice Care by Wehrmeyer
Each winner received a cash award and the book Manners, Morals, and Medical Care: How to be an Effective Physician.
Thawanyarat Presents in Utah
Tony Thawanyarat presented “The Price of Prepectoral versus Subpectoral Breast Reconstruction: A Cost-Effectiveness Markov Analysis” at the 7th Annual Mountain West Society of Plastic Surgeons Conference in Snowbird, Utah in February 2022.
Ali and Hyder Present at Conference
Hamzah Ali and Syed Hyder presented their poster “Incidence, Clinical Characteristics, & Outcomes of Acute STEMI during the COVID-19 Pandemic at a Tertiary Referral Center” at the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida on April 6th.
The study was also recently published in Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management titled “Incidence, Clinical Characteristics, & Outcomes of Acute STEMI during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Piedmont Athens Regional”.
Ali and Hyder worked alongside Dr. Jonathan Murrow on the project.
M2s Recognized for Work in Community
Twenty-seven M2s have received the Medical Partnership Benevolent Service Award for completing 25+ hours of community service!
Pascal Acree
Rehmat Babar
Ana Bankey
Caitrin Carroll
Lauren Ellis
Robert Hulsey
Shadman Ibnamasud
Chandler Johnson
Agnes Kim
Rajashri Manjunath
Artie McCarty
Tahmina Mohiuddin
Yelissa Navarro
Shant Ohanian
Kathleen Park
Laurel Parker
Alex Parsons
Dimple Patel
Tatiana Peduri
Julia Scher
Kyli Schmitt
Anna Schramski
Ravjot Singh
Tony Thawanyarat
Ethan Welch
Sarah Ye
Kara Ye
VanLeuven Presents in Philadelphia
Dr. Ariel VanLeuven presented at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 5. The title of the presentation was “Scroll Away! Understanding the Utility of Multi-Planar Anatomical Images in Instructional Cases for Medical Students”, and VanLeuven worked on the project with fellow Medical Partnership faculty Drs. Tom Howdieshell and Jaya Pamidimukkala.
Bruner Publishes and Presents
Dr. Lia Bruner has had multiple recent publications and presentations:
Bruner LP. Applying a clinical prediction rule to distinguish lower extremity cellulitis from its mimics. Am Fam Physician. 2021;104(3):309-310. PubMed PMID: 34523876
This peer-reviewed article was released in September in the American Family Physician and is now available through PubMed. The signs and symptoms of lower extremity cellulitis are nonspecific, making it difficult for clinicians to distinguish between cellulitis and its mimics. This article presents the evidence for the ALT-70 clinical prediction rule, which if used routinely, could reduce the rate of misdiagnosis and unnecessary hospitalizations/antibiotic use for patients with lower extremity symptoms.
You can read the entire article here.
Conference Presentations
Bruner LP, Gerald R, Heiken M, Majeed B. Intention for COVID-19 vaccination: predictors and sources of influence. Oral presentation (selected for live stream as well as on-demand) at: 49th Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference; November 2021; virtual.
Rachel Gerald, a Medical Partnership student, also presented with Bruner on a live stream and on-demand.
The abstract can be found here.
Bruner LP, Baldwin A, Szymik B, Topper L, House E. Constructing curricular materials that reflect our patients: Working towards improving diversity in pre-clerkship curricula. Scholarly Topic Roundtable Discussion at: 2022 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education; January, 2022; virtual.
This presentation also featured faculty members Amy Baldwin, Brett Szymik, and Ellen House. Leah Topper, a Medical Partnership student, contributed as well.
Baldwin Accepted to UGA Workshop
Dr. Amy Baldwin has been accepted to the 2022 Rural Engagement Workshop for Academic Faculty. This workshop series is a program designed to help build momentum for high quality, community-engaged research in rural Georgia communities.Through a series of five sessions, participants will gain greater understanding of Georgia’s rural demographics and trends, obtain key information on developing sustained relationships with communities, and enhance their ability to engage in rural research in the state.
The first session was on January 21, 2022.
Sardar Publishes Video Case Report
M3 student Tejas Sardar worked with local neurosurgeons Dr. Woodall and Dr. Vasudeva to publish this video case report on a patient that could reproduce his syncope by putting a finger in his ear.
Sardar TA, Vasudeva VS, Woodall MN. Microvascular decompression for a unique case of glossopharyngeal neuralgia with provokable symptomatic bradycardia: 2-Dimensional operative video. Surg Neurol Int. 2021;12:570. Published 2021 Nov 23. doi:10.25259/SNI_1030_2021
You can read more here.
Rohr-Kirchgraber Examines Pandemic Effects on Premed Students
Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, MD, recently published the paper “The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Effect on the Premedical Student”.
You can read more here.
Brown Elected to Health-System Pharmacists Executive Committee
Dr. Tim Brown has been elected to serve on the Executive Committees of ASHP’s Pharmacy Practice Sections. The terms for the Section Chairs-elect will begin immediately; the two-year terms for Directors-at-Large will start in June 2022.
You can read the official press release here.
Gerald Poster Wins First Place
Rachel Gerald, Class of 2023, presented her project “How healthcare providers assess the accuracy of the medical history given by patients with dementia” at the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians CME conference on November 13.
Her project won first place in the poster contest. Gerald worked in this project during the summer MSP program.
Thawanyarat Presents at Plastic Surgeons Conference
Tony Thawanyarat, Class of 2024, presented twice at the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons in Philadelphia during the weekend of September 10-12:
Dayani F, Thawanyarat K, Mirmanesh M, Spargo T, Saia W, Nazerali R. Dress to Impress: Public Perception of Plastic Surgeon Attire [published online ahead of print, 2021 Nov 27]. Aesthet Surg J. 2021;sjab408. doi:10.1093/asj/sjab408
Thawanyarat K, Francis S, Kim T, Arquette C, Morrison S, Nazerali R. The Zoom Effect: A Google Trends Analysis [published online ahead of print, 2021 Sep 28]. Aesthet Surg J. 2021;sjab347. doi:10.1093/asj/sjab347
Sulaiman Recognized for Achievements
Zoheb Sulaiman, DO, a third year resident in our Internal Medicine Residency Program, has recently been recognized for multiple achievements:
1) Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) – attended the 2021 SGIM Southern Regional Meeting virtually from February 23-25, 2021. His abstract was accepted for a virtual poster presentation – An Unusual Case of Aerococcus urinaeInfective Endocarditis.
2) Gold Humanism Honor Society – was nominated by his co-residents and selected as St. Mary’s Hospital’s resident inductee for the Class of 2022.
3) American College of Cardiology (ACC) – attended the 2021 ACC National Meeting virtually from May 15-17, 2021. His abstract was accepted for a virtual poster presentation – An Unusual Case of Aerococcus urinae Infective Endocarditis; he was also published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology – https://www.jacc.org/doi/full/10.1016/S0735-1097%2821%2904309-6
Brown Joins American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Podcast
Dr. Tim Brown participated in a podcast with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists discussing LGBTQ+ health. In the podcast, Brown discusses ways that faculty and preceptors can incorporate LGBTQ+ health education for their learners, and the teaching and learning principles that apply across all health professions.
You can listen to the podcast here.
Lester Wins Good Neighbor of the Year Award
Dr. Suzanne Lester was one of the recipients of the Good Neighbor of the Year Award at Porchfest on Sunday, October 10. The award is presented from Envision Athens and is granted to outstanding members of the community who have been nominated by fellow neighbors.
Murrow and Ulversoy Win First Place at ACC Quality Summit
Dr. Jonathan Murrow and former Medical Partnership student Kyle Ulversoy won first place at the American College of Cardiology Quality Summit for their poster that examined the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on cost and readmission rates among HF patients at Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital in Georgia.
You can read more here:
Transgender Education in North American Family Medicine Clerkships: A CERA Study
Dr. Vicki McKinney published:
Donavan, M., VanDerKork, K., McKinney, V.R., Graves, L. and Everard, K. (2021) Gender-Affirming Care Curriculum in Family Medicine Residencies – A CERA Study. Family Medicine, 53:9, 779-785.
You can read the paper here.
Bruner and Adams Present at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Practice and Quality Improvement Conference
Dr. Lia Bruner recently presented a poster at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Practice and Quality Improvement conference. The poster presentation was entitled “COVID-19 Vaccine Intention and Influences in Vulnerable Populations” and was based on part of the data from a telephone survey done of persons who tested negative for COVID-19 through the Athens Free Clinic in the summer of 2020.
Bruner presented the poster with M3 student Zac Adams.
You can read more here and view the poster here.
Rohr-Kirchgraber Presents on Sex & Gender in Medicine
Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, MD, presented for the IU National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health Women of Influence event this month on Sex and Gender in Medicine and Pay.
You can listen to the entire presentation by clicking here.
Insight into the function of active site residues in the catalytic mechanism of human ferrochelatase
Dr. Amy Medlock published a paper that provides additional insight into the mechanism of human ferrochelatase, the last enzyme of the heme biosynthesis pathway. This study describe the structure of 4 ferrochelatase variants, as well the characterization of enzyme activity and heme interactions in the active site in a number of variants.
Biochem J. 2021 Sep 17;478(17):3239-3252. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20210460.
Insight into the function of active site residues in the catalytic mechanism of human ferrochelatase
Amy E Medlock, Wided Najahi-Missaoui, Mesafint T Shiferaw, Angela N Albetel, William N Lanzilotta, Harry A Dailey
PMID: 34402499 DOI: 10.1042/BCJ20210460
Primary research Reducing costs and improving care after hospitalization: Economic evaluation of a novel transitional care clinic
Dr. Jonathan Murrow published a paper that examined the clinical and economic impact of the Piedmont Community Care Clinic in providing care to patients after hospitalization, regardless of their ability to pay. In short, the part of the CCC taking care of these patients 1) reduced re-hospitalization and emergency department use while 2) providing a cost-savings to the health system. This work is scholarship resulting from clinical and teaching programs that grew in collaboration with the Medical Partnership, with early support by the Board of Regents to get underway. It provides the framework for other health systems in Georgia and beyond to rethink how they best care for patient who have been hospitalized with acute illnesses despite insurance status.
You can read the paper here.
The PPE Pandemic: Sex-Related Discrepancies of N95 Mask Fit
Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber had a paper accepted this summer that addressed how N95 masks fit women compared to men and how that contributed to the death toll in both genders.
You can read the paper on EMG Health or view the PDF version here.
Scott Wins Marietta Suhart Award
Dr. Don Scott was recently named the winner of the Georgia Gerontology Society’s Marietta Suhart Award. This award recognizes vision and leadership in educating those working with older adults. Scott will be recognized at the annual GGS conference on August 10.
To read more about the award, click here.
Medical Partnership Heavily Represented at International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
Presentations at the IAMSE:
Teshager D, Baldwin A, Bond M, Hill JR, Bruner L. “Medical school curricular factors that may contribute to students’ choice of specialty”. Oral presentation, 25th Annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 2021.
*This presentation was nominated for an Outstanding Oral Presentation Award.
Bassett CN, Martin AT, Gibbs S, Boegehold MA, Gaines JK. “Collaboration among basic science and clinician educators in creating and implementing high fidelity simulation sessions in an integrated preclinical medical education curriculum”. Poster presentation, 25th Annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 2021.
Martin AT, Gibbs S, Bassett CN, Gaines JK, Boegehold MA. “Using an escape room activity to orient learners to the simulated medical environment”. Oral presentation, 25th Annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 2021.
Barany DA, Gallman E, VanLeuven AJ, Fiorella L. “Drawing insight from medical student drawings.” Oral presentation, 25th Annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 2021.
Medlock AE, Lee LP, Murrow J. “A summer research curriculum to cultivate medical student research”. Poster presentation, 25th Annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 2021.
Slaughter Contributes Columns for Journal of Biomolecular Techniques
Dr. Clive Slaughter, Professor of Biochemistry, has his own column, “Article Watch”, featured quarterly in the Journal of Biomolecular Techniques – a peer-reviewed journal with four regular issues and one supplemental meeting issue per year that is published by the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities.
You can read his previous and upcoming articles here.
Rohr-Kirchgraber Wins 2021 AMPAC Award for Political Participation
Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber has been named the winner of the 2021 AMPAC Award for Political Participation. Awarded every two-years, the AMPAC Award for Political Participation recognizes an AMA or AMA Alliance member for their outstanding work through volunteer activities in a political campaign or significant health care related election issue such as a ballot initiative or referendum.
Rohr-Kirchgraber joined the Medical Partnership in 2021 and is a professor of medicine.
You can read more about Rohr-Kirchgraber and the award by clicking here.
Transgender Education in North American Family Medicine Clerkships
Dr. Vicki McKinney published the following paper:
VanDerKork, K., McKinney, V.R., Graves, L. and Harper, D. (2021) Transgender Education in North American Family Medicine Clerkships – A CERA Study. Family Medicine, In Press.
Scott Presents at Virtual National American Society on Aging Conference
Dr. Don Scott virtually presented the workshop “Being There Matters: Physician Education in a Community Based Organization” during the American Society on Aging Conference on April 7.
Why Is a Child Not a Miniadult for Infections?
Drs. Tresa Chappell, Carrie Kelly, and Ken Rosenthal were recently published for their work on why children are not mini-adults when it comes to infections.
Chappell, M. Tresa MD*; Kelly, Carrie MD*; Rosenthal, Ken S. PhD*,† Why Is a Child Not a Miniadult for Infections?, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice: April 5, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/IPC.0000000000001012
Abstract: The presentation of an infectious disease in a child is likely to differ from an adult and will differ at different ages of the child. In addition to differences in immune response, there are significant differences in anatomy, physiology, metabolism, and behavior that affect susceptibility, course of disease, severity, and treatment. This is the first of a series of reviews that examine differences in disease presentation for different demographics. This short review will look at some of the parameters that ask, “Why is a child not a miniadult for infections?”
The full paper can be read here.
AF Symposium Virtual Presentations
Alex Sweeting, Kyle Ahmed, Sujay Sreenivasan, Jacob Lawing, and Ty Frix all presented at the AF Symposium with Dr. Kent Nilsson.
Sweeting A, Ahmed M, Sreenivasan S, Nilsson K. Comparison of Fluoroscopy Exposure in Tacticath SE Ablation Catheter versus in Tacticath Ablation Catheter. 26th AF Symposium. Virtual Symposium. January 29-31, 2021.
Sreenivasan S, Ahmed M , Sweeting A , Lawing J, Frix J, Mrlik M, Nilsson K. Comparison of XY versus XY/XZ Mapping During Pulmonary Vein Isolation Using the HD Grid. 26th AF Symposium. Virtual Symposium. January 29-31, 2021.
Menstrual experience of adolescents in the USA: protocol for a scoping review
Nine members of the Medical Partnership family (three faculty: Julie Gaines, MLIS, Ed Sperr, Amy Baldwin, PhD, five students: Debbie Shim, Bryanna Moppins, Diane Park, Jasmine Patterson, Samantha Schoenl, and one alumna: Ronke Olowojesiku, MD) were recently published for their research on adolescent menstruation.
Olowojesiku R, Shim DJ, Moppins B, Park D, Patterson JO, Schoenl SA, Gaines JK, Sperr EV, Baldwin A. Menstrual experience of adolescents in the USA: protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2021 Feb 18;11(2):e040511. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040511. PMID: 33602701; PMCID: PMC7896570.
Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing desire to address issues related to menstruation, particularly for adolescent girls. In low-income and middle-income countries, prior literature review of the adolescent menstrual experience suggests the need for further research into the impact and efficacy of interventions with this population. There is evidence to suggest the need for initiatives and research in higher-income countries like the USA. To date, the body of research on adolescent menstrual experience in the USA remains uncharacterised. Therefore, we propose a scoping review of the literature on this subject to better inform on areas for future primary study.
The paper can be read in its entirety here.