Scroll down to discover the history of the Medical Partnership from 2005 to the present
The Medical College of Georgia explores creating clinical campuses across the state with the creation of the Southwest Clinical Campus, headquartered at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany.
The Georgia General Assembly passed the fiscal year 2008 budget, which included $2.8 million to expand medical school capacity in Georgia.
Pittsburgh-based consulting firm Tripp Umbach is retained to complete a medical education expansion study on behalf of the Board of Regents. The nationally recognized medical school expansion firm was selected to explore the best growth opportunities for the Medical College of Georgia.
On January 15, Tripp Umbach presents its study and proposal for expanding medical education to the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. The Regents accept the report on January 21.
UGA Real Estate Foundation purchases historic building on the North Oconee River in Athens & begins renovation. The Interim Medical Partnership Building becomes the first home of the AU/UGA Medical Partnership.
On February 10, the Board of Regents approves the memorandum of understanding formalizing the AU/UGA Medical Partnership.
Forty medical students began classes at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership in Athens.
The Navy vacated the 56-acre Navy Supply Corps School on Prince Avenue in Athens, making it available for renovation & preparation for the new UGA Health Sciences Campus.
Former Navy School property becomes the UGA Health Sciences Campus. Programs such as the AU/UGA Medical Partnership & the UGA College of Public Health will be housed at the site.
The AU/UGA Medical Partnership moves to the UGA Health Sciences Campus.
First students to graduate from the AU/UGA Medical Partnership & begin residency training.
First class of residents to begin at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership Internal Medicine Residency Program in partnership with St. Mary’s Healthcare System.
First AU/ UGA Medical Partnership campus Medical College of Georgia graduates finish their training & begin practicing medicine.
First AU/UGA Medical Partnership Internal Medicine Residency program residents begin practicing medicine.
Medical Partnership Class size plans to expand to fifty students per class.
Medical Partnership Class size expands to 60 students per class.