Jan 19, 2018
Nearly 200 MCG faculty recognized for teaching efforts
Nearly 200 faculty of the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University have been recognized with Exemplary Teaching Awards for their contributions to students and residents at the state’s medical school. Among those honored were 32 volunteer clinical faculty, who teach students at MCG’s campuses across the state.
Awards for undergraduate medical education were based on quantity of teaching (number of students taught or number of lecture hours, for example) and student evaluations. Graduate medical education awards were based on innovations or impactful contributions, and awardees were nominated by MCG department chairs.
This year’s undergraduate medical education winners and their departments were:
Rebecca Etheridge, Academic Affairs
Kimberly Loomer, Academic Affairs
Paul Wallach, Academic Affairs
Mafdy Basta, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Nathan Brandon, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Pamela Rosema, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Pamela Martin, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Leslie Petch Lee, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Puttur Prasad, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Clive Slaughter, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Anna Edmondson, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
Virgil (Thomas) Gaddy, Cellular Biology and Anatomy, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Thomas Gale, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
Alexa Hryniuk, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
Paul McNeil, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
Gregg Nagle, Cellular Biology and Anatomy, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Carol Nichols, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
William Pearson, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
DeLoris Wenzel Hesse, Cellular Biology and Anatomy, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Brett Szymik, Cellular Biology and Anatomy, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Mary Dement, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Hartmut Gross, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Christopher Jones, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Walter Kuhn, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Lee LaRavia, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Daniel McCollum, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Jimmy Peebles, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Joshua Thomas, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Jennifer Tucker, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Eric Zevallos, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Edward Agabin, Family Medicine
William Conkright, Family Medicine
Julie Dahl-Smith, Family Medicine
Clifford Dunn, Family Medicine, Southwest Campus
James Greene, Family Medicine, Southeast Campus
William Grimsley, Family Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
David Jester, Family Medicine
David Kriegel, Family Medicine
Jerry Lambert, Family Medicine
Bruce LeClair, Family Medicine
Sean Lynch, Family Medicine
Jimi Malik, Family Medicine, Southwest Campus
Allen Pelletier, Family Medicine
Jonathan Reimer, Family Medicine
Ashley Saucier, Family Medicine
Andrew van Alstine, Family Medicine
Jason Varghese, Family Medicine
Justin Wilkie, Family Medicine
Thomas Albritton, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Laura Carbone, Medicine
Edward Chin, Medicine
Stephen Chitty, Medicine, Southeast Campus
Andrew Cichelli, Medicine
Rhonda Colombo, Medicine
Gerald Crites, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Loretta Davis, Medicine
Thomas Dobosz, Medicine
Pamela Fall, Medicine
John Fisher, Medicine
John Francis, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Jaspal Gujral, Medicine
Thomas W. Jackson, Medicine
Sean Javaheri, Medicine
Aimee Martin, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Lee Ann Merchen, Medicine
Namita Mohanty, Medicine
Walter Moore, Medicine
Anthony Mulloy, Medicine
Cheryl Newman, Medicine
John Norris, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Shelley Nuss, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Chinyelu Ofodile, Medicine, Southwest Campus
Jeremy Pantin, Medicine
Jigarkumar Parikh, Medicine
William Salazar, Medicine
Donald Scott, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Greg S. Smith, Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Subbaramiah Sridhar, Medicine
Pamela Tipler, Medicine
Jose Vazquez, Medicine
Mahmood Eisa, Neurology, Southwest Campus
Mary Gregory, Neurology
David Hess, Neurology
Nancy McNair, Neurology
Angela McSwain, Neurology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Debra T. Moore-Hill, Neurology
John Morgan, Neurology
Fenwick Nichols, Neurology
Jeffrey Switzer, Neurology
Cargill Alleyne, Neurosurgery
Nick Arredondo, Neurosurgery, Southeast Campus
Harlan Bruner, Neurosurgery, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Cassie Campbell, Obstetrics and Gynecology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Kenneth Healey, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Southwest Campus
Susanna Meredith, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Southeast Campus
Larisa Pearlman, Obstetrics and Gynecology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Anju Sinha, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Southeast Campus
Austin Shiver, Orthopaedic Surgery
Jack Borders, Otolaryngology
J. Drew Prosser, Otolaryngology
Paul Biddinger, Pathology
Greer Falls, Pathology
Jaroslava Halper, Pathology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Barbara Russell, Pathology
Natasha Savage, Pathology
Suash Sharma, Pathology
Helena Spartz, Pathology
Lynnette Bauza, Pediatrics
Grace Davis, Pediatrics, Southwest Campus
William Dolen, Pediatrics
Dixie Griffin, Pediatrics, Southwest Campus
Theodore Johnson, Pediatrics
Carrie Kelly, Pediatrics, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Lisa Leggio, Pediatrics
Colleen McDonough, Pediatrics
Lauren Newhall, Pediatrics
Melanie Parm, Pediatrics, Southeast Campus
Rebecca Pierce, Pediatrics
Edward Rigtrup, Pediatrics
Rajiv Setia, Pediatrics, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
David Sprayberry, Pediatrics, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Laura Steelman, Pediatrics, Southeast Campus
Clare Bergson, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Matthew Boegehold, Physiology, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Wendy Bollag, Physiology
Michael Brands, Physiology
Anthony Payne, Physiology
Mong-Heng Wang, Physiology
Ryan Harris, Population Health Sciences
Golden Barnett III, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Ram Bishnoi, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Christian Lemmon, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Donna Londino, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Alex Mabe, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Byron McQuirt, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Dion Metzger, Psychiatry and Health Behavior, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Ananda Pathiraja, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Abhinav Saxena, Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Southwest Campus
Sandarsh Surya, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Bernard Davidson, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Michael Rollock, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Clarence Joe, Radiology and Imaging
Jayanth Keshavamurthy, Radiology and Imaging
Yulia Melenevsky, Radiology and Imaging
Janet Munroe, Radiology and Imaging
John Bennett, Surgery, Southwest Campus
Buffi Boyd, Surgery, Southeast Campus
Howard J. Cohen, Surgery, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Michael Daugherty, Surgery, Southwest Campus
Robyn Hatley, Surgery
Grant Major, Surgery, Southwest Campus
Robert Nesbit, Surgery
John Odom, Surgery, Southeast Campus
Walter Pipkin, Surgery
Gary Walton, Surgery, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Mohammed Obeidin, Surgery, AU/UGA Medical Partnership
This year’s graduate medical education winners and their departments were:
Mohamed Gaber, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Natalie Lane, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Dan McCollum, Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services
Nidhi Gulati, Family Medicine
Anna Mammen, Family Medicine
Zunair Afghani, Medicine
Cheryl Newman, Medicine
Chris Pallas, Medicine
Pamela Tipler, Medicine
Klepper Alfredo Garcia, Neurology
Robert Stager, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Amy Estes, Ophthalmology
Dilip Thomas, Ophthalmology
Styles Les Bertrand, Orthopaedic Surgery
J. Drew Prosser, Otolaryngology
Allison McMullen, Pathology
Jacob Eichenberger, Pediatrics
Azif Safarulla, Pediatrics
Alex Mabe, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Brian Miller, Psychiatry and Health Behavior
Janet Munroe, Radiology and Imaging
Adel Abuzeid, Surgery
Walter Pipkin, Surgery
Writer: Jennifer Hilliard Scott