Match Day 2015 Results Announced

Resident applicants at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership gathered on Friday, March 20 at noon in George Hall at the UGA Health Sciences Campus for Match Day, an event celebrating the next step in their medical careers.  Sealed envelopes addressed to individual students were displayed on a table for each of the members of the Class of 2015, and inside each envelope was a personal letter revealing where the student will pursue his or her postgraduate education.

An annual event, Match Day takes place after students participated in interviews and visits to residency programs in Georgia and across the country.  To determine the post-graduation assignments, the students ranked hospitals where they would like to complete residencies, and hospital residency programs rank the student applicants.  The lists are then submitted to the nonprofit organization National Resident Matching Program in Washington, D.C., which uses an algorithm that aligns the choices of the applicants with those of the residency programs.  The final pairings are announced simultaneously across the United States at noon on the third Friday in March.

AU/UGA Medical Partnership participants in Match Day 2015 were honored with the following Residency Appointments:


For more information about attending the Medical College of Georgia at the Medical Partnership campus

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