Nick Tsavaris

Nick Tsavaris

Nick Tsavaris
Nick Tsavaris

Year at Medical Partnership

Houston, Texas

Undergrad Location & Graduation Year
University of Georgia 2023

Undergrad Degree
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Specialties of Interest
Orthopedics, pediatrics

Bio: tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is Nick Tsavaris. I grew up in Miami, Florida and more recently lived in Savannah and Athens, Georgia for middle school up until now. I have also lived in Colorado, Texas, and Italy. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and video games, and I also like to work out when I get the chance. I am very excited to be an ambassador for the school and talk about all the things that make up our close-knit community.

For more information about attending the Medical College of Georgia at the Medical Partnership campus

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